One small chip making
a BIG difference
Are you concerned about the effects of electromagnetic radiation?
Learn more about a small chip that makes a big difference.
During an active mobile phone call, a low-frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) is generated in the vicinity of the cellphone. Half the energy in an electromagnetic wave is carried by the electric field, and the other half is carried by the magnetic field. However, this is not everywhere equally strong: it contains lows and highs, the so-called gradients. Abrupt changes in the magnetic field can result in body stress and DNA damage.
regardless of the type of device (mobile phone, tablet, cordless telephone, wireless router, baby monitors…)
and independent of the use (telephoning, surfing, carrying it on the body…)
The positive effects of WAVEEX are scientifically and medically proven (see STUDIES & REPORTS).
Order your digital protection
Waveex and Dr Emoto experiment:
In this experiment distilled water was brought in a hexagonal structure using our PO-Technology (see image 1). This water was put inside a glass over an active mobile phone (without WAVEEX) for 15 minutes (see image 2). Afterwards, the same was done with WAVEEX on the mobile phone (see image 3).

Waveex and Dr Emoto experiment:
In this experiment distilled water was brought in a hexagonal structure using our PO-Technology (see image 1). This water was put inside a glass over an active mobile phone (without WAVEEX) for 15 minutes (see image 2). Afterwards, the same was done with WAVEEX on the mobile phone (see image 3).

Waveex technology
WAVEEX-Technology was developed by Helmut und Alfred Theuretzbacher
4 years of global research and processing
2 years of field testing
The technology is made up of 7 layers between the adhesive side and logo on the chip and is then activated.

Waveex technology
WAVEEX-Technology was developed by Helmut und Alfred Theuretzbacher
4 years of global research and processing
2 years of field testing
The technology is made up of 7 layers between the adhesive side and logo on the chip and is then activated.

The application of WAVEEX for mobile devices is easy:
Simply glue according to the instructions and it is immediately effective.
Save up to 15% off our packages!
Secure-Code on every packaging
hologram, serial number, WAVEEX Logo, data matrix
verifiable directly via smartphone worldwide in different languages (central database).
The application of WAVEEX for mobile devices is easy:
Simply glue according to the instructions and it is immediately effective.
Save up to 15% off our packages!
Secure-Code on every packaging
hologram, serial number, WAVEEX Logo, data matrix
verifiable directly via smartphone worldwide in different languages (central database).